Retreat front cover


notes from a virtual mountaintop retreat

Christine King

Published by Anima Books, 2022

Printing & Distribution: Lulu Press

PRINT edition

ISBN: 978-1-4717-3368-0

Paperback, 7.5 x 7.5 in. (190 x 190 mm), 72 pages

EPUB eBOOK edition

ISBN: 978-1-4717-0955-5

10.900 words

KINDLE eBOOK edition (Amazon)

(same as EPUB edition, but for Kindle e-reader)

Read the Prologue and Table of Contents

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Reviews and Testimonials

Retreat back cover

After almost 60 years of trying, I'd finally had enough! Enough of other humans — and most of all, enough of myself and my endlessly frustrating habits that weren't getting me anywhere I wanted to be. I decided to “drop out” and take myself on a virtual retreat to an imaginary mountaintop for as long as it took.

That experience changed my life.

Join me on my adventures with solitude and with my two animal companions, Cat and Dog, who showed up along the way to teach me the things I most needed to learn.

For every one who has desperately needed a break but has not been able to get away...

About the author

Christine King is a holistic equine veterinarian who currently lives in southern Victoria (Australia). Her interests include the medical sciences (veterinary and human), complementary and alternative medicine, music, organic gardening, sustainable agriculture, nutrition, communication, spirituality, and the bonds we share with our animals. Retreat is her seventh book.

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