The Game

hide  seek  find  laugh

Christine King

Published by Anima Books, 2024

Printing & Distribution: Kindle Direct Publishing

(an Amazon company)

PRINT edition

ISBN: 979-8-8839-3630-1 (paperback)

5.5 x 8.5 in. (140 x  216 mm), 170 pages

Kindle eBOOK edition

Kindle and other supported formats

26,000 words

EPUB edition (

ISBN: 978-1-4461-0596-2

26,000 words


1. Self-help | Spiritual

2. Self-help | Creativity

3. Self-help | Personal Transformation

Click here to read the Foreword, Introduction,

and first half of the book.

Reviews & Testimonials

Have you ever wondered what life is all about?

This book contains notes I took during multiple meditations in which I tuned in to the wise old voice inside myself and asked the questions that were on my mind. I had many questions about how life works, and particularly about persistent or recurrent problems I was having.

The central theme of these discussions — for they are indeed discussions, back and forth between my troubled, confused little self and the warm, witty, wise voice of my greater self — is this:

What our source is up to in this physical

or observable realm is play; a grand game.

The game?  It’s simply this: hide, seek, find, laugh!

“What you’re struggling to understand is how you can be both human and eternal — earth-focused and universal — at the same time.  How, and especially why, your eternal awareness so limits itself by (playing at) being human and earth-focused.”



For all those who wander and haven't yet

stopped to wonder for themselves.

About the author

Christine (Chris) King is a holistic equine veterinarian who currently lives in southern Victoria, Australia. Her interests include the medical sciences (veterinary and human), complementary and alternative medicine, music, organic gardening, sustainable agriculture, nutrition, communication, spirituality, and the bonds we share with our animals. The Game is her eleventh book.

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