Becoming something new

Question: I'm feeling wobbly again. I'm plagued by indecision about whether or not to pursue publishing/ marketing with [a hybrid publishing company], whether or not to start/resume posting on social media — in short, moving ahead instead of waiting some more. The thought of putting any more time into marketing my books, when my efforts thus far have been disappointing, fills me with tiredness, sadness, discouragement. I could use some words of wisdom, please.

Answer: What is it that you really want?

Question: I want to be healthy, fulfilled, successful, wealthy, overjoyed with life.

Answer: Then do that. Do what makes you happy and fulfilled, do what you love, and let the rest take care of itself.

Question: Should I start posting on social media?

Answer: Would it make you happy? Would you enjoy it? Is it something you love to do?

If yes, then do it. If no, then don't. There are many, many different ways to achieve your goal. Don't sweat it. Don't try hard. In fact, don't “try” at all. Just do what you love. Keep being open, enjoy every moment, and move when inspired to do so. That's the way to get things done.

Have no fear. There's no need to conquer your fears or “feel the fear and do it anyway.” Because there's nothing to fear.

Question: I'm still having trouble with the fact that nothing seems to be happening, that I'm no closer to my goals. Shouldn't something have appeared by now? Every step I've taken has been met with silence or with a “No.” I feel impelled to move forward, toward my goals, yet I don't know what my next step should be. Would you please advise me.

Answer: ”Me” and “we” are the same thing. We — you, me, us, everything — are experiencing in you the frustration of moving too soon, of moving too quickly, of wanting to skip over steps to get to the finished product of y/our creation.

Do you see the problem now? Do you see the folly of trying to rush things? Do you see the trap of trying to do it all yourself or of trying to play band leader when the others are playing a different tune? Better yet, of trying to create with limited resources?

The point of being inspired to read [a book on climate science, written by a geologist] is to make clear the long view of life on Earth. Sixty years is less than a nanosecond in a history that is billions of years long — longer, in fact. Inconceivably long, stretching back from this point in time and forward into the eternal future. You see, it's always now. Forever and for always, now.

Question: That seems too abstract to me, when what I really want to know is when will this thing I want be here? What you're saying is that it's here now or when it arrives it'll be now. But while that may be true in the abstract and in nonphysical form, I do not now have the money I want, my beautiful home, and all the other things I want. Right now, they are all still just thoughts. Are you saying that I should continue to think them and so they will appear (in time)?

Answer: Yes. And no. Thinking them is not enough. Believing in them, believing that you can have them — indeed, that you will have them, simply because you want them and believe you can have them — is also critical to their appearance.

The moment you doubt, the moment you notice and fret that that they are not here yet, not here now, and you doubt or question your ability to create them for yourself, you are thinking contradictory thoughts and focusing on the opposite of what you want.

So, the best use of your time right now is to reorient your thoughts toward what you do want. Let everything else drop away like the wake of a big ship. And then savor the thought of what you want. Revel in the thought of it. Feel the enjoyment of it… Because another prerequisite to

the appearance of what you want in material form is inspired action — and that can only come from the thoughts you have about the things you want.

You cannot take any useful action toward the creation of what you want from a position of worry or impatience or frustration. Get right in the head — which is to say, get out of your own way — before taking any step toward your goals.

Question: What's happening when I take inspired action (e.g., asking a friend if he has any publishing contacts, fully expecting that he does and that an avenue will open to me) and nothing happens? Other examples are literary agents and publishers I've felt inspired to contact. Why are all these actions — inspired, or so it feels at the time — coming to nought?

Answer: How do you know the eventual outcome of these actions, these contacts? You can't. Trust them. Trust those inspirations. Remember that you (humans) are all parts of the same source, playing an elaborate game with itself. Don't lose yourself in the score — which is entirely arbitrary.

Question: I'm tired of all the refusals and delays. It makes me want to not take any more steps. Yet the lack of forward motion frustrates me, too. I've been doing my best to just relax and float, letting myself be moved in the direction of my desires. Yet there's been no movement. I feel becalmed, but not calm; rather, it's like the dreaded doldrums described by sailors. No wind, so no movement, in any direction. What's the holdup?

Answer: There is no holdup. You're trying to go too fast. Relax. All is well. All really is exactly as it's supposed to be. Take a nap. Enjoy yourself. You're gonna need all your faculties soon enough. Your health, your dear mind, your imagination, your capacity for rest and regeneration, your humor, your capacity for joy, your ability to teach, and so on.

Relax now. Enjoy your rest, renewal, recharge, and reinvention. You're becoming something new and very different from what came before. Take your time, and enjoy the process.

Just do what you love. Keep being open,

enjoy every moment, and move when inspired. 

That's the way to get things done.


Relax now. Enjoy your rest, renewal, recharge,

and reinvention. You're becoming something new

and very different from what came before.

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