The game, embodied

Think of the game this way:

Diffuse (everywhere) energy condenses into particles, many of which we identify as matter or material form. This endless game involves integration into discrete and specific forms, and then dissolution or dis-integration, allowing new (and even old) forms to be created…

⇾ integration ⇾ dis-integration ⇾ re-integration or integration into new forms … on and on, ad infinitum

The play is in the integration–disintegration of forms, the games the discrete forms play, and the ideas behind it all.

The game is thus endless because it perpetually cycles, the individual particles are inconceivably many, and all forms are a manifestation of our source (the everywhere energy, the great mind) at play: particles endlessly attracting and repelling, and also forming, de-forming, re-forming, and transforming… The game, then,  is all about exploring and experiencing new things (and old things).

The game is much more fluid and malleable than we think, particularly when we consider relatively fixed and immutable things such as rocks and mountains, planets, solar systems, etc. The “lifespan” of every single form determines our perception of its immutability, but everything is in flux

and is amenable to change, including dis-integration.

Some forms are “low energy,” in that they require very little onging input to maintain their form. Their internal attractive forces far exceed the repulsive forces that could pull them apart (dis-integrate them), so they appear very stable to us, unchanging, even unchangeable.

Other forms are “high energy”; they require a lot of onging input to maintain their form. Their internal attractive forces are relatively weak, so they distract, de-form, or dis-integrate easily. To us, they apear transient, malleable, and unreliable.

There are also forms that lie somewhere in between, giving us the impression that only some things can be changed.

The form least likely to be changed in common thinking is your own body, your own life (its circumstances, for example), so you don't even try. Oh, you may try to lose weight, bulk up, get fit, change the shape of your nose, etc. But fundamentally, you don't see yourselves and your lives as being one of the forms that can be changed all that easily, whereas you are the most malleable form of all!

A thought arises within you and immediately resonates throughout your body. Every molecule, every atom takes note and changes form accordingly. Attractions and repulsions co-ordinate to create the physical manifestation of the idea.

Emotions facilitate this process as messengers and means (effectors). Cells output electrical impulses and chemical mediators to make it so.

All at the speed of thought.

So, start here. Start with yourself. Notice your thoughts and their effects on your well-being. Just do that for awhile and watch your life change…

Let the tensions within you dis-integrate. Thoughts and emotions condense into things, into matter, changing matter so that it reflects or represents the thought, the emotion.

The same dynamic happens in the creative process: thoughts condense into things, including actions by bodies.

Start by dis-integrating the present state, the current tensions and condensations. That creates space and frees up both energy and matter to become something else, something different, and even something new.

Then, in that magical space of possibility, new thoughts can arise, and from them new things, and thus new forms.

How exciting!!

Notice your thoughts and their effects on your well-being.

Just do that for awhile and watch your life change...

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The Game

hide  seek  find  laugh

Christine King

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