I give up!

Question: I give up! Nothing is working! Nothing I want is materializing. I've been waiting and looking forward expectantly. I've been focused on being open and enjoying my life. But none of what I want — none of it — is here. I'm losing hope, and losing faith in this approach. What gives?

Answer: What gives? You do: your attention to all the things you don't like, to all the things you don't want, to all the things you don't (yet) have.

Question: Well, it's impossible not to notice the absence of the things I want. They're not here; and there's no sign that they're on the way. Quite the opposite, in fact. … I just don't seem to have a place here. I might as well not even try.

Answer: Yes! That's the way: don't even try. To try is to fail, when “trying” is accompanied by effort and by a sense that the outcome is uncertain, that failure is possible.

Question: But that's not true! Plenty of people try and succeed — even on their first attempt. ”If at first you don't succeed, try, try again” is an axiom because it works.

Answer: I think we're talking about two different things. When you attempt something new or that you perceive to be challenging, then you approach it with the belief that it is challenging and you may not succeed at first. By viewing everything that way, you make it true — for you.

But what if you approached it differently, with a sense of adventure, of playfulness. Remember that you are playing a grand game in a responsive universe. Now, what do you want to do?

Question: I want [and then I listed all the things I want].

Answer: So, what's stopping you? It's perfectly possible. You have the requisite skills.

Question: Indeed; what is stopping the appearance of these things I want? Because I do want them. I even see my self having them, with them. Where are they?

Answer: Where are they? In process. In production. On the way.

Question: Why is it taking so long?

Answer: It's taking no time at all in the grand scheme of things. In universal “time” (which is always now!)

Question: No, you're wrong. You're trying to placate me with nonsense! They really are not here yet, and financially I am going backward, not forward. I am also questioning the truth of the insights you've shared with me. It's just not working.

Answer: That's right. It doesn't take “work.” There is no mechanical process involved here, where 'this' leads to 'that' or 'this' is a prerequisite for 'that'.

Question: No, you're lying to me again. You've talked at length about the conditions of belief and openness that are required, that are prerequisites. Well, I've been practicing both, but nothing has transpired. Others are succeeding, while I'm failing. Again. I'm sick of it. SICK OF IT! It's

just not true.

Remember that you are playing a grand game in a responsive universe. 

Now, what do you want to do?

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The Game

hide  seek  find  laugh

Christine King

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