The Highly Sensitive Dog e-book cover

The highly sensitive dog

making life easier for these wonderful dogs

Dr Christine King

Publisher: Anima Books, 2022

Printing & Distribution: Lulu Press

ISBN: 978-1-4716-7765-6

eBook; 7,400 words

About the author

Christine King is a holistic equine veterinarian who currently lives in southern Victoria (Australia). Her interests include the medical sciences (veterinary and human), complementary and alternative medicine, music, organic gardening, sustainable agriculture, nutrition, communication, spirituality, and the bonds we share with our animals.

The highly sensitive dog is her eighth book.

This short e-book is written by a veterinarian who lived with a highly sensitive dog of her own (that marvelous mutt on the front cover). It's for people who are struggling to understand their own highly sensitive dogs, such as dogs who are very reactive to loud noises (thunderstorms, fireworks, gunshots, etc.) or who are fearful in novel situations (with strangers, unfamiliar places, etc.).

It begins by exploring the parallels between these dogs and the highly sensitive person (HSP), a normal personality trait described by psychologist Dr Elaine Aron.

It goes on to discuss a Finnish study that documented a likely genetic basis for these two 'anxiety disorders' in dogs, which supports the thesis that HSD ('highly sensitive dog') is the canine equivalent of HSP.

Dr King then describes, with examples from her own experience (personal and professional), six practical strategies that can make life easier for these wonderful dogs and the people who love them.

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